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What can be thrown into black garbage bags? Check it out!

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Tomasz Woźniak |

One of the key elements of taking care of our planet is proper waste segregation. Thanks to it, we can contribute to minimizing the negative impact on the environment and enable the recovery of secondary raw materials. For some waste that cannot be recycled, black garbage bags are the appropriate place for it. In this article you will learn how to segregate garbage effectively and what waste can be placed in black bags.

Why is waste segregation important?

By properly separating waste, we enable the recovery of secondary raw materials, which minimizes the negative impact on our planet. By separating waste properly, we help save natural resources, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills.

How to segregate waste effectively?

To segregate waste effectively, it is worth understanding the basic principles of segregation. In most cases, waste is divided into five main fractions: paper, plastic and metal, glass, bio waste and mixed waste. Each of these fractions has its own bag color, which facilitates their correct segregation.

  • Paper is one of the most important waste fractions and can be placed in a separate blue container. Various types of clean paper should be thrown into it, such as newspapers, magazines, notebooks or paper and cardboard packaging. However, it is worth remembering that you should not put contaminated paper, such as greasy, wet paper or paper covered with foil or wax, into blue bags .
  • Plastic and metal - plastic and metal waste should be placed in yellow containers. The plastic category includes plastic bottles, food packaging, plastic bags and foils. Metal waste includes beverage and food cans, bottle caps and caps. It is worth remembering that not all plastics are recyclable, so before throwing them into the yellow bag, it is worth checking the markings on the packaging.
  • Glass - glass packaging, such as bottles and jars, should be placed in green containers. It is important that the glass is empty and free of contamination. You should also remember to remove caps and caps, which should be placed in the yellow garbage bag.
  • Bio waste - bio waste, such as food leftovers, egg shells, coffee grounds or vegetable peelings, should be placed in brown containers. It is important not to throw other waste such as plastic bags or paper into them.
  • Mixed waste - mixed waste that is not suitable for any of the above fractions should be placed in black bags . You can throw them in, among others, leftovers from meat production, frying oil, cigarette butts, contents of vacuum cleaner bags, damaged glass or porcelain dishes, used diapers, old towels or paper tissues.

Where to dispose of mixed waste?

Mixed waste is placed in black bags , which are then placed in containers marked with the same color. Every home should have a black garbage bag for disposing of mixed waste. All waste that does not find space in other garbage bins is thrown into the black bag .

Waste that we throw into black bags:

  • food leftovers of animal origin
  • disposable diapers, wipes and sanitary pads
  • heat-resistant glass and porcelain
  • food packaging
  • damaged clothes
  • styrofoam
  • waste with silicone elements
  • receipts

Once the black bags are full, they should be placed in a designated place, in accordance with the rules in force in a given location.

garbage bins for waste segregation

Segregation is the first step to a better world

Waste separation is a key element of caring for our environment. Thanks to proper segregation, we enable the recovery of secondary raw materials and minimize the negative impact on the planet. Mixed waste that cannot be recycled should be placed in black bags . Remember to properly place waste in appropriate containers to ensure effective segregation and environmental protection.

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