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Why do we celebrate Children's Day on June 1? We answer!

Dlaczego Dzień Dziecka obchodzimy 1 czerwca? Odpowiadamy!

Childhood is a unique period in a person's life. The role of adults in this extraordinary time is to appreciate and protect childhood, providing younger generations with safety, love, support and appropriate care. Allowing children to develop their skills and passions, build social relationships, shape their identity and derive joy from mundane things.

If children are now building a symbolic sandcastle, we should protect it from waves and negative external factors, allowing them to create solid foundations for the future world they will soon create.

In praise of childhood, i.e. International Children's Day

dzień dziecka prezenty Children's Day is celebrated all over the world as a special holiday dedicated to children. Its basic assumption is to emphasize the importance of childhood and remind society about the needs and rights of the youngest. Children's Day is also an opportunity to reflect on the challenges children face around the world and how we can support their development, education and protection. It is also a moment to remind us of the need to counteract violence against children and ensure a safe and happy childhood for them.

In many countries, including Poland, Children's Day falls on June 1. There are several reasons why this term is appropriate. The first reason is that June 1 has been designated International Children's Day by the United Nations. In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly recommended that all countries celebrate Children's Day to promote the well-being of children and draw attention to their rights.

Another reason is the history of June 1 itself. This date is related to the events that took place in Czechoslovakia in 1950. Then the Czechoslovak Teachers' Union proposed that June 1 be declared Children's Day. Initially, it was a day dedicated to children in need of help, but it quickly turned into a nationwide celebration for all children. This idea gained popularity and spread to other countries.

The third reason for choosing the first day of June is probably the most pleasant for the birthday people themselves. Children's Day coincides with the beginning of summer and is an announcement of the upcoming holidays. At the same time, it allows the organization of numerous festivals and outdoor events organized for children by schools, kindergartens and local communities.

Decalogue of children's rights and freedoms

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is a document adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) in 1959. It is the basis for protecting the rights and freedoms of all children everywhere. It consists of 10 principles concerning the rights and freedoms of children, contained in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child:

  • 1. Right to equality: Every child has the right to equal treatment regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, social origin, disability or any other characteristic.
  • 2. The right to special protection: Children require special protection and care from parents, guardians, society and the state to ensure their healthy physical, emotional, social and intellectual development.
  • 3. The right to a name and citizenship: Every child has the right to have a name, surname and citizenship, as well as the right to know his or her parents and join the family.
  • 4. Right to health care: Children have the right to the highest attainable standard of health care and to receive medical services that are necessary to maintain their health and physical well-being.
  • 5. Right to education: Every child has the right to education, which should be free, compulsory and accessible to all. Education should promote the development of children's full potential and prepare them for active participation in society.
  • 6. Right to rest and recreation: Children have the right to rest, play, recreation and participation in cultural and artistic activities that are important for their healthy development and good quality of life.
  • 7. The right to protection against violence: Every child has the right to protection against all forms of violence, whether physical, mental or sexual. They should be protected against exploitation, abuse, brutality and all other forms of ill-treatment.
  • 8. Right to be protected from exploitation: Children have the right to be protected from all forms of exploitation, such as child labour, human trafficking, prostitution and any other illegal activities involving children.
  • 9. The right to freedom of thought, conscience and expression: Children have the right to express their views, thoughts and beliefs in accordance with their age and maturity. They should be able to participate in decision-making about themselves as they get older.
  • 10. The right to protection against all forms of discrimination: Every child has the right to protection against all forms of discrimination, including discrimination based on race, color, sex, disability, religion, social origin or any other characteristic. Children should be treated fairly and equally in all areas of life.

All 10 principles on children's rights and freedoms form the foundation of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and aim to ensure the protection, support and well-being of all children everywhere.

Children's Day celebrations around the world

Every country has its own custom, so the date of celebrating Children's Day , as well as its form, varies depending on the area where the celebration takes place.

dzień dziecka prezenty We have prepared for you an overview of the most interesting customs related to Children's Day in various parts of the world:

  • India established Children's Day on November 14, the birthday of its first prime minister who worked for children, Jawaharlal Nehru. On this day, numerous performances, competitions and events are organized. Children are given gifts and wishes.
  • The Philippines devotes an entire month to celebrating Children's Day.
  • German children are lucky to have the opportunity to celebrate twice a year, both on June 1 and September 20. This is related to historical events and the celebration of Children's Day in the east and west of the country before the collapse of the USSR.
  • France and Italy celebrate the earliest, on January 6, although the well-known Children's Day is more celebrated there as Family Day. Part of the celebration is a formal family dinner, after which the children receive gifts and sweets. On this day, children wear paper crowns on their heads and fulfill all their wishes.
  • Türkiye celebrates Children's Day on April 23, which is also the day Turkey regained its sovereignty. Among the Children's Day celebrations, face painting and kite flying are the most popular.
  • Japan divided children's celebrations into two separate days. Boys celebrate Children's Day on March 3, and on this day paper fish are hung in the gardens, symbolizing the family and young men who will become its heads in the future. Girls have to wait until May 5 for their Children's Day, which is also called Doll Day.
  • When organizing Children's Day, Paraguay reaches back to its dark and bloody history. August 16, Children's Day, is celebrated to commemorate the bloody Battle of Acosta Nu, which took place during the Paraguayan War, during which most of the children and young men died. Due to the historical nature of the day, Children's Day celebrations are more sublime there than in other parts of the world.

If you want to know what to buy for children for Children's Day, click here and find out interesting suggestions!

If you want to take care of the world, take care of the children!

Children are the future of the world and they will create the reality in which we will grow old. Let them enjoy the carefree joy of childhood by developing their passions every day, not only on Children's Day .

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