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Where to buy paper straws? We give you a hint!

Gdzie kupić słomki papierowe? Podpowiadamy!

Adrian Koźlik |

Do you know that…

Paper drinking straws are said to reduce the incidence of tooth decay caused by acids in drinks such as soda because they direct the drink more directly to the throat, bypassing more teeth.

Drinking through a straw is an activity we learn from an early age, it helps us properly develop facial muscles and often provides a lot of entertainment.

Currently, paper drinking straws are becoming more and more popular for the sake of the environment. Ecology is taking over the catering market, making plastic straws a thing of the past.

When American inventor Marvin Chester Stone developed a prototype of a paper straw in 1888, he created solutions that made it much easier for both consumers and companies to achieve benefits. He made sure that the paper straw was long and wide enough to prevent seeds and other particles from getting stuck. Additionally, its goal was to increase hygiene in hospitals, hotels, clubs and restaurants.

The present and future of paper straws

Due to the increasing tendency to care for the environment , paper straws are gaining popularity. Many countries intend to introduce a complete ban on the use of plastic straws, which will make paper straws an indispensable element of every drink.

Paper straws are now widely available in most stationary stores, but if we want the right color and pattern that will meet our expectations and fit the theme of our fancy party, we should use online stores, preferably with eco-products or decorative accessories. .

However, if you don't like anything, you can always make your own paper straws.

Do it yourself! Paper straws

Don't like any of the patterns or styles of paper straws you found in stores? Or maybe you are looking for something original that will allow you to surprise your loved ones.

All you need to get started is a longer round stick, hard paper, some glue and paraffin.

słomki papierowe Step 1.Cut the strips

Cut strips of patterned paper about 3.8 cm wide, how many strips you cut is up to you, each strip creates one paper straw.

Step 2.Use glue

Turn the strip over so that the back is visible, then draw lines of liquid glue along one of the long edges. In this case, it is best to choose glue that has the word "non-toxic" on its bottle for safety reasons.

Step 3. Roll up!

Place the stick on the paper at a 45-degree angle on one of the corners of the strip. Then roll the paper around it, overlapping it with each wrap. Slide our almost ready paper straw off the stick and leave it to dry overnight.

Step 4. Trim the ends

Trim the ends of the paper straws so that they are even.

Step 5. Use wax

Break some paraffin wax into a jar, then melt the wax in a pot of hot water over low heat.

Step 6. Dip the straw

Dip the paper straw into the wax and then suck it up. Let the wax drip back into the jar and wipe off the rest with a towel. Dip the other side of the straw into the wax and then wipe it clean.

Step 7. Give them time!

Leave the paper straws to dry. Once the straw is dry, you can use it.

Now that you know how to create your own unique paper straws, use your creativity and add originality to your party.

Do you want to learn more about paper straws and interesting facts about them? Click here!

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