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When to go to school after the 2023 holidays?

kiedy do szkoły 2023

Adrian Koźlik |

The first day of school is always an exciting moment for students, parents and teachers. It's the time when a new school year begins, full of new challenges and opportunities. In this article you will find out when exactly the first day of school in 2023/24 starts , how to prepare for this important day and what are the characteristic features of the first day of school. We will also discuss what you should take with you to your first day of school so that you don't forget anything.

When does the first day of school start in 2023/24?

when to go to school 2023 The 2023/24 school year starts on different dates, depending on the country and region. In Poland, the first day of school usually falls on September 1. This year, however, the school year will start 3 days later - on September 4, because September 1 falls on a Friday, so students will be able to enjoy an additional holiday weekend.

The first day of school is special for many reasons. For many students, this is the moment when they move from one level of education to the next, for example from kindergarten to primary school or from primary school to secondary school. It is also a chance to meet new teachers and classmates.

The first day of school is a time to make new friends and build relationships. Students can also find out what subjects they will have to study in the new school year and what their lessons will look like. This is also a time for new students to learn about the classrooms and layout of the school.

It is worth remembering that the first day of school can be full of emotions and stress, both for students and parents. It's normal for students to feel a little unsure about new surroundings and new challenges. It is important to help them feel comfortable and support them in this new adventure.

What to take with you on the first day of school?

when to go to school 2023 Although there are no standard classes on the first day of school, it is worth preparing properly and taking the necessary things with you. Here are some basic items you should take on your first day of school :

  • Pencil case - it is extremely important in case we need to write down some information, such as a class schedule or information we need in the next few days.
  • Backpack - it's a good idea to take a backpack with you in which you can store the pencil case mentioned above. This will also allow you to prepare for the coming days and get used to the start of the school year.
  • Notebook - if you have a pencil case with you, it is also worth taking a notebook or notebook in which you can easily write down everything.

In the following days, the number of items taken by the child will definitely increase to include things such as: school uniform, lunches or lunch money, bottle of water, breakfast, mobile phone (if allowed at school) and other things that may be useful during the day school.

On the first day, however, we can limit ourselves to a backpack, a notebook and a pencil case.

If you are wondering how to complete a layette for a first grader, click here !

It's time to go back to school

The first day of school is a special moment in students' lives. It's the time when a new school year begins, full of new challenges and opportunities. In the 2023/24 school year, the first day of school in Poland falls on September 4 . The start of the school year is a time to make new friends, meet new teachers, and settle into school. Be sure to prepare adequately for the first day of school by taking essential items with you, such as a pencil case , backpack or bag.

May this day be full of joy and enthusiasm, and the new school year will bring many successes and wonderful experiences!

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