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When is the first day of autumn? Check it out!


Adrian Koźlik |

Have you ever wondered when autumn begins? This is a fascinating period, full of changes in nature and our mood. In this article you will learn when exactly this season begins, what are the differences between calendar and astronomical autumn , and where the date of the first day of autumn comes from.

Calendar and astronomical autumn

1st day of autumn The calendar autumn is set on September 23 each year . This is a conventional date that does not always coincide with the beginning of astronomical autumn. However, this is the day on which many people associate the beginning of autumn . In Poland, calendar autumn lasts until December 22, when calendar winter begins.

Astronomical autumn is related to the movement of the Earth around the Sun. When the Earth passes through the Libra point, astronomical autumn begins. At this point the days are getting shorter and the nights longer. In Poland, astronomical autumn also begins on September 23 and lasts until the winter solstice, which falls on December 21 or 22. This is the period when the Sun illuminates the Earth's southern hemisphere more intensely than the northern one.

The autumn equinox is an astronomical phenomenon that marks the beginning of autumn. This is the moment when day and night have the same length - about 12 hours each. The autumn equinox occurs at the turn of September and March, when the Earth passes through the equinox point. This is also the moment when the sun's rays fall perpendicularly on the equator and illuminate both hemispheres evenly.

History of the date of the first day of autumn

Where did the date September 23 as the first day of autumn come from? This is the result of the Gregorian calendar, which was developed in the 16th century. This calendar was created to adapt the Julian calendar to astronomical calculations. The date of the first day of autumn was determined based on astronomical calculations and cultural traditions.

Autumn is a time when nature goes through many changes. The trees begin to change the color of their leaves, which become beautiful shades of red, orange and yellow. Birds migrate to warmer areas, and animals prepare for winter by storing food. Fruit plants ripen and you can enjoy their taste. Autumn is also harvest time, when farmers harvest crops from their fields.

Customs associated with the beginning of autumn

first day of autumn The beginning of autumn was celebrated in different ways by different cultures. An example is the ancient traditions of the Slavs who celebrated the Harvest Festival. On this day, they made offerings to the gods of harvest and gave thanks for the abundant harvest. Nowadays, many communities celebrate harvest festivals, which are an opportunity to celebrate the harvest and give thanks for good harvests. The harvest festival is also a time of fun and celebration together.

Autumn is also a great time to observe the sky. On cool, clear evenings we can admire the stars, planets and other astronomical objects. During this period, you can observe meteor showers, planetary conjunctions and many other fascinating phenomena. This is a great opportunity for astronomy enthusiasts to explore the secrets of the universe.

Atmospheric autumn full of colors

Autumn is a season full of charm and change. Both calendar and astronomical autumn begin on September 23 . Autumn equinox is associated with the beginning of autumn and occurs at the turn of September and March. This is the time when the days become shorter and the nights longer. Autumn is a time of changes in nature, celebrating traditions and observing the sky. Let's enjoy this beautiful time of year and take advantage of its charms.

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