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When is the 2024 time change? We know the date for the change to winter time!

Kiedy zmiana czasu 2024? Znamy datę zmiany czasu na zimowy!

Time change is a topic that stirs up a lot of emotions among Poles every year. Although moving the clocks forward or back an hour has become an inseparable part of our calendar, many of us still wonder why this tradition continues and when exactly it will take place in 2024. In this article, we will discuss in detail when the change to winter time in 2024 will take place , presenting both important dates and arguments for and against this practice.

When is the 2024 winter time change ?

When is the 2024 time change? According to the established schedules, the change from summer to winter time in 2024 will take place on the night of October 26 to 27. At that time, the clock hands should be turned back from 3:00 to 2:00, which will allow us to gain an extra hour of sleep. Interesting fact: most electronic devices, such as smartphones or clocks on car panels, will make this change automatically, without the need for manual user intervention.

When is the 2024 time change? We know the date for the change to winter time!

Why does the time change happen twice a year?

The change from summer to winter time and from winter to summer time takes place twice a year - in March and October. The change to winter time involves turning back the clocks, which is often described by saying that we will be able to "sleep an hour longer". However, in reality it is about extending the time for sleep - 8:00 a.m. in the new time is 9:00 a.m. in the old time, so sleeping until 8:00, in reality we sleep until 9:00.

Arguments for and against changing the time

Although changing the time has been practiced for many years, it is controversial. Supporters of this tradition argue that it allows for more efficient use of daylight and brings savings related to lighting. Opponents, on the other hand, point to negative consequences for health caused by the disruption of the biological clock, as well as difficulties in the operation of businesses and organizational confusion at airports and train stations.

European Union plans to change time

Work on abolishing time changes in the European Union has been ongoing for years. In 2019, it seemed that the member states would be close to taking specific action on this issue, but these plans were thwarted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, the current arrangements are in force, and by the end of 2026, the EU countries must first develop a common position on the time that would apply throughout the Union.

When is the 2024 time change? We know the date for the change to winter time!

History of time change

The idea of ​​introducing daylight saving time was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1784. In 1907, the Briton William Willett described the concept of daylight saving time in the pamphlet "Waste of Daylight", arguing for its savings related to lighting. Daylight saving time was first introduced by Germany during World War I on April 30, 1916. Since then, the practice has spread around the world, and seasonal time changes are now observed in almost 70 countries.

When is the change to summer time in 2025?

It is also worth mentioning that the change from winter to summer time in 2025 will take place on the last weekend of March, on Sunday, March 30, to be precise. Then we will also have to change the clocks from 2:00 to 3:00.

The impact of time change on health

One of the main arguments of opponents of changing the time is the negative health effects caused by the disruption of the biological clock. The change from summer to winter time or vice versa can lead to sleep disorders, fatigue and even a deterioration in well-being. The elderly and those suffering from circulatory system diseases are particularly sensitive to these changes.

When is the 2024 time change? We know the date for the change to winter time!

The impact of time change on the economy

The time change also has consequences for the functioning of businesses. Business representatives point to difficulties in operations, organizational confusion at stations and airports, as well as the need to adapt IT systems to the new settings. Critics of the time change emphasize that it generates unnecessary costs and disruptions in the daily operations of companies.

Public support for abolishing daylight saving time

Studies conducted in recent years show that the vast majority of Poles are in favor of abolishing the practice of changing time. The IBRiS survey from 2022 indicates that as many as 68.5% of respondents are in favor of abandoning this tradition, and only 21% want to maintain it. Similar conclusions were also drawn from consultations conducted by the European Commission in 2018, in which 84% of respondents from EU member states were in favor of abandoning the time change.

When is the 2024 time change? We know the date for the change to winter time!


The change from summer to winter time in 2024 will take place on the night of October 26 to 27 , when the clock hands will be turned back from 3:00 to 2:00. Although this tradition has a long history, it is controversial and more and more Poles are in favor of abolishing it. When will the time change in 2024? This issue remains a subject of discussion in the European Union, and by the end of 2026, the member states must agree on a common position on this matter.

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