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Circular economy - a chance to reduce waste!

Gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym- czyli szansa na ograniczanie odpadów!

Adrian Koźlik |

What is the circular economy?

First of all, it is worth explaining what the circular economy is. In other words, circular economy. It is a regenerative economic system in which the consumption of raw materials and the amount of waste, as well as emissions and energy loss, are minimized by creating a closed loop of processes in which waste from some processes is used as raw materials for others, which reduces the amount of production waste as much as possible. To put it simply, it works so that the value of raw materials, materials and finished products is preserved for as long as possible, while minimizing waste. Raw materials should be reused. These principles should be used in every product development process. This model is based on the circulation model in nature. Water, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen cycle. In the natural environment, waste from some organisms becomes food for others, and so on until the loop is closed. You need to ensure that as few resources as possible fall out of the loop.

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Characteristics of the circular economy

It is characterized by the use in accordance with the EU concepts of the reduce, reuse, recycle hierarchy, i.e. reducing the number of raw materials and waste, reusing raw materials through repairs or recycling. It is worth noting, however, that recycling comes at the very end of this process because it is energy-intensive and additional energy is used.

The recycling sector belongs to the first and last stages. Initially, a recycled product will be used. However, at the end it will be repaired, reused or recycled, thanks to which it will be transformed into a raw material. In this way, we will reduce the amount of waste and change the way we obtain raw materials.

Production, there will be no significant changes at this stage. It will be the same as in other stages. We can only change our thinking about production, keeping in mind that it will get a new life and will not be turned into waste and simply thrown into the trash. Distribution and consumption will concern, for example, low-emission supplies. But also changes taking place at the design stage. Reuse, repair, recycling is the last but not the final stage. It is the most important part of the process, where we must eliminate the waste generated as much as possible and use it as much as possible

In a properly constructed circular economy, we should focus on avoiding the need for recycling at all costs. It may sound simplistic, but the primary goal of a realistic climate recovery strategy is to reduce the amount of waste generated.
-quote for the World Economic Forum

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Comparison with the current economy

While reading this article, you asked yourself that if we want to introduce such an economic model, which one do we currently use? It is a linear economy model. It follows a simple " take-produce-use-throw " scheme. In the current system, we produce more and more waste, which depletes natural resources. We purchase cheap, quickly wearing out products that are easily available. We obtain raw materials without limits, without thinking, we produce and buy them, then they spoil quickly and we throw them into the trash without a second thought. Only after many years did raw materials begin to dwindle, raw material prices increase significantly, and supplies became unstable. We started wondering how to change it and use other resources, materials and energy. Another element of this model is the so-called planned obsolescence, i.e. designing products in such a way that they stop working after a specified period of time. The European Parliament ordered such steps to be taken to ensure that high-quality and durable products reach the market.

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How to produce less waste? A few tips

The linear economy in Poland was adopted very quickly and is still used. This increased consumption and improved the quality of life. This opened the door to rapid production and sales. Many people started using cheaper products without taking into account the quality and the prospect of using the product for as long as possible. Among the representatives of our government, circular economy has been accepted. They speak very positively about it. European Office of Environmental Protection during the survey " Poland's path to a circular economy " in which representatives of enterprises, members of organizations, officials and scientists participated. Over 90% of people accepted the transformation of the Polish economy . You just have to ask yourself are we ready for it? This requires many changes and transformations. The transformation depends on all of us, including consumers, because they decide what they buy and choose.

  • Think several times what you want to buy and how long you will use it
  • repair it, don't throw it away, use the services of people who will help you with repairs
  • exchange or sell items you don't need
  • buy second-hand clothes, they get a new life
  • rent equipment if you know you will use it once
  • use bike and car rentals
  • use items as long as possible, don't throw them away hastily

Advantages and disadvantages

Like everything, the circular economy has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include, of course, the environment, which suffers the most. The savings I will get by, for example, repairing a defective product and not buying a new one. The "pay, per, use" model in which we use the product rather than buy it. It will bring many benefits in the economic, social and environmental areas. It will create new jobs. The quality of the product may be a downside - it may mean that the recovered raw materials will be of lower quality than the new ones. Suspension of development is another disadvantage of this model because manufacturers can focus more on repairing their products than on developing and introducing new, improved things. In this case, for example, phones and equipment in general. And, of course, new infrastructure.

Some examples of using the circular economy:

1.Decathlon Rent - bike rental in your city
Instead of buying expensive equipment, you can rent it and pay for its use. When the rental ends, it is rented by another user.

It gives us the opportunity to get rid of clothes we don't need. Thanks to this, they do not end up in the trash. And the other party also benefits because they don't spend so much on buying completely new clothes.

3.Too Good To Go
We dream of a world without food waste and we fight for such a world, bite by bite! Thanks to the application, you can easily do something good for the planet, literally in three clicks - just download the application, choose a place and save a package from premises and shops in the area. What you save is a surprise at a great price, and it's also a good deed for the planet. Get started now!

4.Your brand?
Do you have an idea how to introduce closed circulation into your business? DON'T WAIT, ACT!

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