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What to do when copier paper gets jammed in the printer?

Co zrobić, gdy papier ksero zablokuje się w drukarce?

Adrian Koźlik |

You've probably had to print important documents in a hurry. Time flew by like crazy and the copy paper suddenly jammed in the printer. What to do in that case? Fortunately, it's nothing complicated!

There is no single reason for A4 photocopy paper jams in the printer. Sometimes our sheet of paper stops at the very beginning of the print, and other times in the middle or even at the end. You don't have to go to the service center with this matter. With a little good intentions, you can solve all these problems yourself.

In today's article, you will learn about the most common problems with photocopy paper jams in the printer and how to deal with them.

papier ksero Why does copier paper jam while printing?

When delving into the issue of photocopier paper jams in the printer , it is worth knowing the causes of this problem that appear most often. Thanks to this, it will be possible to effectively solve this problem.

Photocopier paper - damaged or creased

Single sheets are transferred to the print head using an A4 copier paper feeder, which consists of a cylindrical unit with a stepper motor. This separator is designed to only remove one sheet of standard-thickness copier paper , which means printers have limits on the weight of paper they can print.

You should be aware that if the copier paper you want to print on is very creased or damaged, it may block in the feeder or jam at a later stage of printing.

The solution to this problem may depend on the type of device we have. Typically, you should unplug the printer, open the cover and slowly remove the jammed A4 copy paper. Sometimes you even need to remove the print cartridge. Make sure there is no piece of photocopy paper left there, as this may lead to more serious damage.

Once you have removed the jammed copy paper from the printer, close the cover and reconnect it to the power source. It may happen that the printer continues to jam, in which case it is worth consulting the service. If you have a newer printer with a display, step-by-step instructions on how to proceed in the event of a photocopier paper jam should appear on its screen.

A4 copy paper inserted diagonally

It may also happen that the feeder will not take A4 photocopy paper at all. This may be due to the sheet of paper being inserted crookedly. Such printing is completely impossible, as the printer itself will signal to us.

How to deal with this? This is very simple, because all you have to do is remove the incorrectly placed copy paper in the tray and insert it again, this time in the right way.

If it happens that the copy paper becomes jammed in larger amounts, you can proceed in the same way as in the case of crumpled sheets of paper.

Incorrect size of copy paper

When it comes to the size of the copy paper, it is very important. Remember that if you intend to print documents in non-standard sizes, the device may play tricks.

papier ksero How to deal with this? Always use copier paper in your printer that it can handle without any problems. Even if you want to print something on a small format, put A4 copy paper and cut out what you need. Small sheets may simply get stuck in the feeder and you will need to contact the service center.

Dirty copier paper tray

It happens that hundreds or thousands of sheets of photocopier paper pass through the feeder every day. It also happens that the paper is not of good quality. Then pieces of it simply chip off and settle on the separator. Our printer then stops printing because the feeder is unable to transfer the document to print. This situation also happens in places with a high degree of dust.

How to deal with this? It is best if you open the printer cover and clean the copier paper tray using a cloth soaked in alcohol or a special printer cleaning fluid.

It is also important to prevent such situations in the future. Therefore, always choose A4 copy paper of the highest quality.

Damaged copier paper tray

The copier paper feeder is rubber. Therefore, it may be damaged and, above all, worn out. This may cause the separator to feed more than one sheet of paper.

How to deal with this? Just replace the used feeder. To do this, go to the nearest service point.

Now you know how to effectively deal with printer jams. Also remember to use high-quality A4 copy paper ! Do you want to find out where to buy copy paper cheapest? click here

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