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When is the first day of spring? Check it out now

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Magda Gwaj |

Can you feel a refreshing change in the air already? The first day of spring is fast approaching, and with it both calendar brightness and astronomical renewal. We are surrounded by traditions and celebrations of this watershed moment, marking the end of the winter chapter and the beginning of a new cycle of life. From the sinking of the Marzanna in Poland to gathering around pre-Columbian monuments in Mexico, the first day of spring is celebrated with great pomp around the world. So how can you celebrate this special day of the year? Do you know when exactly the first day of calendar spring , i.e. calendar spring, begins? Or maybe you are curious what the arrival of astronomical spring means?

When does calendar spring start?

first day of spring You're probably wondering when calendar spring begins and what it actually means for you and your surroundings. Traditionally, the first day of spring was celebrated on March 21. However, due to the Earth's precession, since 2014 this date has been moved to March 20 . Moreover, in 2024, astronomical spring will begin on March 20, associated with the spring equinox, when day and night are approximately the same length.

Calendar spring:

  • Start: Traditionally on March 21, currently from 2014 on March 20.
  • End: June 21, which is the first day of calendar summer.

Astronomical and Meteorological Spring:

  • Spring Equinox: March 20, 2024, when the sun crosses the celestial equator.
  • Meteorological Spring : From March 1 to May 31, based on temperature cycles.

Phenological and Thematic Spring:

  • Phenological Spring: When trees begin to bloom and grass begins to turn green, usually in late March or early April.
  • Thematic Spring: When day and night temperatures remain above 5 degrees Celsius for at least 5 consecutive days, it usually begins in late March or early April.

It is also worth mentioning that the spring equinox may bring certain ailments, such as fatigue, worse mood or susceptibility to infections, which is related to the sudden change in temperature. After the spring equinox, the days in the Northern Hemisphere become longer and the nights shorter, which is a signal that the first day of spring is really close.

The astronomical arrival of spring

The astronomical arrival of spring is a special moment when day and night are equal to 12 hours long. In 2024, this equinox time will begin on March 20 exactly. This event not only symbolically but also literally balances our experience of day and night, heralding warmer days.

  • Spring Equinox : This is the time when the Sun crosses the celestial equator, meaning that day and night are the same length around the world. In Poland, the spring equinox is also the time when we say goodbye to winter by celebrating the tradition of drowning madder, which symbolizes rebirth and new life.
  • Changes in Day Length: After the equinox, the days become longer and the nights shorter. This phenomenon lasts until the summer solstice, which falls on the longest night of the year. In 2024, we will celebrate the beginning of astronomical spring on March 20.
  • Variable Dates: It is worth noting that the exact start time of astronomical spring may vary from year to year. This is caused by discrepancies between the traditional calendar and the actual movement of the Earth around the Sun.

While waiting for the first day of spring , you can follow how nature is changing around you. Watch the days get longer and enjoy every ray of sunshine that brings us closer to the warmer months. This is a perfect opportunity to start planning spring activities and celebrate the upcoming rebirth of nature.

Meteorological and phenological aspects of spring

first day of spring Meteorological spring is a period designated by meteorologists for measurement and comparison purposes, beginning on March 1 and ending on May 31. This is the time when nature comes to life after its winter dormancy, and we, eagerly awaiting the first signs of warmer days, begin to notice changes in the world around us.

  • Fixed Dates: Meteorological spring always has a fixed time frame, making it easier to analyze weather patterns and climate changes over the years. It invariably starts on March 1 and ends on May 31, which allows for the collection of comparable data year to year.
  • Nature Observation: During this period, you may notice the trees slowly starting to turn green and the flowers peeking through the last snow. It is now that you can watch nature wake up and start to bloom, giving you a sign that the first day of spring is near.
  • Preparing for Spring: Knowing when meteorological spring begins, you can properly prepare for it by planning spring cleaning or starting the gardening season. It's also the perfect time to start spending more time outdoors, enjoying each warmer day.

Remember that although the first day of calendar spring may fall on different dates, meteorological spring always begins on March 1. This is the time when you can start counting down to longer days full of sun and new opportunities.

Customs and traditions associated with the beginning of spring

In Poland, the first day of spring is not only a change of the calendar, but also a time full of colorful traditions:

  • Drowning of the Marzanna: You can join the people who drive away the winter by creating a straw puppet - the Marzanna. She is dressed in white clothes, decorated with ribbons and beads, and then launched into the water, which is to symbolize farewell to winter. This is an old Polish custom that is still alive in many regions of the country. Remember, however, that Marzanna was known by various names, such as Morena or Śmiercicha, and represented everything evil - winter, illness, misfortune.
  • Walking with a grove: The day after the Marzanna drowns, you can observe or participate in a walk with a grove. It is a tradition during which people carry a richly decorated branch - gaik or maik, which is a symbol of the arrival of spring . If you are interested in a more ecological approach, create Eco-Marzanna from recyclable materials to avoid burning or polluting water.
  • Truant Day: An interesting fact is that in some regions of Poland, the first day of spring is also truant day, when students can skip school and enjoy various activities related to the arrival of spring. This is a perfect opportunity to rest and recharge your batteries for the coming months full of sun and new opportunities.

Spring is a time of renewal and celebration, and these traditions are a way to express joy at its arrival. Whether you choose to participate in these customs or find your own way to welcome spring, it is worth remembering their rich history and importance.

Change of time - winter to summer

The change from winter to summer time is another important event that is part of the rhythm of calendar spring . While it may seem like just a small adjustment to our daily lives, it has a significant impact on our well-being and daily routines. Here's what you need to know about this change:

  • Date of change: In Poland, as in most European countries, we switch to summer time on the last Sunday of March. This means that on the night from Saturday to Sunday, we move the clocks forward one hour - from 2:00 to 3:00.
  • Longer days, shorter nights: Daylight saving time aims to make better use of daylight. Thanks to this, the evenings become longer and we have more time for outdoor activities after work or school. This is a perfect opportunity to start implementing your plans for the first day of spring and enjoy longer days.
  • Impact on the body: Although time change has its positive sides, for many people it can also be a source of short-term adaptation problems. Sleep disturbances, feeling tired or having trouble concentrating are common effects of mini jet-lag that may occur after the clocks change. Therefore, in the days preceding the time change, it is worth ensuring a regular daily rhythm and gradually preparing the body for the new daily schedule.

Spring oh it's you!

As the first day of spring approaches, our communities and traditions reflect a deep joy in the coming renewal. Whether it's by observing nature coming to life or practicing old Polish customs, we all enjoy the prospect of warmer days and longer evenings. Trying to take advantage of these moments, we are preparing for changes, both natural and those introduced by the transition to summer time.

As we await this symbolic change of seasons, we remember that this is the perfect time for internal and external renewal. The change from winter to summer time introduces us to the phase of day length that favors activities and new experiences. The first day of spring encourages us to take full advantage of the upcoming opportunities that bring fresh mornings and warm afternoons, opening a new chapter in our lives.

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