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Beach screen as a brand promotion tool? Why not!

Parawan plażowy jako narzędzie do promocji marki? Dlaczego nie!

Adrian Koźlik |

Beach screens are an integral part of summer. Thanks to them, we not only isolate ourselves from other people, but also protect ourselves against the wind. They also protect us against unwanted winds of sand and provide at least some shade. In summer, you can see plenty of screens placed by the Polish seaside. The question is whether this is good practice or not. Many people "reserve" a place in this way, which they then do not use. Thanks to such practices, you can easily promote your own brand. Especially if our beach screen will be eye-catching thanks to its very stylish appearance or funny graphics.

Screens are free for customers

How to promote your own brand in a very easy way? It is worth adding freebies to larger orders. Especially if our company is just starting. Customers will certainly remember us well. Everyone enjoys the expected and unexpected freebies. If the beach screens are neatly finished, everyone will take them with them to the beach. There, it doesn't take much to notice our product. Remember to have a logo or other print on it parawan plazowy

graphics related to our brand.

Beach screens as a bonus for employees

An equally good method of brand promotion is a bonus for employees. When an employee shows commitment to the company, it is worth rewarding him additionally. Many people pay extra money, but what if we decide to give them, for example, a beach screen instead? It will certainly be useful for travelers. When we provide our employees with company screens that they like, they will promote us themselves. People will certainly pay attention to them if the print is elegant or even funny. It is important that it does not offend anyone and is neatly made.

Screens at events

Where else can you effectively start promoting your brand using beach screens ? Of course, at all events organized on the beach or outdoors. Deckchairs with our brand logo can also be an addition to the screen ! Many companies promote their products using screens. They compete with each other in various graphics, lengths and motifs placed on the screens . However, the best screen should be about 5 meters long and its motif should not discourage but, on the contrary, attract. It is best to use subdued colors and not be too large. A well-made screen guarantees success!

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