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Are non-composted paper plates better for the environment than plastic ones?

Czy niekompostowane talerzyki papierowe są lepsze dla środowiska od plastikowych?

Adrian Koźlik |

Nowadays, many people try to care for the environment and choose ecological products such as paper plates, as well as cups and cutlery. This proves the high awareness of modern society.

Due to the fact that we, as consumers, set trends with our behavior, many companies decide to produce and sell paper tableware.

Paper plates are extremely popular both among ordinary customers and the catering industry.

If you are wondering which plates will be better for the environment - non-composted paper or plastic ones, you will find the answer to this question in today's article!

What are the uses of paper plates?

Paper plates are truly universal and you can use them in many ways.

talerzyk papierowy Here are some ideas for how to use them:

  • Parties and receptions - paper plates are often used at parties and receptions as an alternative to classic ceramic or glass plates. They are easy to use and do not need to be washed after use, just throw them into the appropriate bin.
  • Work - in work places where time is limited, such as food stands, paper plates are an ideal solution. They help you save time and make it easier to keep clean.
  • Picnics and camping - paper plates are a very practical solution during picnics, camping or other trips to the fresh air, where it is difficult to take ceramic or glass dishes with you.
  • Catering - in the catering industry, paper plates are a convenient solution because they can be easily removed from the event venue after use, and they do not have to be washed and transported back to the kitchen.
  • For children - paper plates are an ideal solution for children because you don't have to worry about breaking or damaging them. They are light and easy to use.

Why choose paper plates?

There are many reasons why you should choose paper plates instead of plastic ones. Of course, the main reason is to care for the environment, but it is also worth paying attention to other advantages:

  • Convenience - it cannot be denied that paper plates are simply convenient to use. They do not need to be washed after use, which saves time and energy.
  • Hygiene - since paper plates are disposable, they are also hygienic. All you have to do is throw them into the appropriate waste bin after using them and that's it!
  • Practicality - it cannot be denied that paper plates are light, and therefore easy to store and transport.

Types of paper plates

There are many types of paper plates available on the market, but we will focus on the most popular ones.

  • Round paper plates - most often chosen by customers because their shape is very elegant and comfortable. They also most resemble traditional ceramic plates.
  • Rectangular paper plates - this type of trays are often used during various types of outdoor gatherings, such as barbecues and bonfires.

It is also worth mentioning that paper plates come in different colors. However, most often we can find white and brown ones, because they are neutral colors.

Do paper plates seep through?

Since paper plates are usually covered with a special coating, you don't have to worry about them leaking.

However, it is worth remembering that if the plates contain large amounts of liquids or food with a lot of sauces, fat or oil, there is a risk that the plates may become soaked.

If you are wondering whether you can heat paper plates in a microwave, click here !

Where to buy paper plates

Paper plates have become a very popular product, which means you can buy them in many places.

talerzyk papierowy Below are the places where you can buy them:

  • Supermarkets - paper plates of various shapes and sizes can be found in virtually every larger supermarket.
  • Grocery Stores - You can find paper plates in the disposable section of most grocery stores.
  • Party decoration stores - in this store you will definitely find the perfect paper plates that will match any theme of your party.
  • Online stores - here you have a really huge selection. All you need to do is find a trusted seller and he will surely meet your expectations.

If you want to find out where else you can find paper plates, click here

Are non-composted paper plates better for the environment than plastic ones?

Uncomposted paper plates are not fully eco-friendly because they are not biodegradable and are difficult to dispose of in an environmentally friendly way.

These paper plates also require a lot of energy and natural resources to produce, transport and store, which also contributes to the negative impact on the environment.

Therefore, if you want to use paper plates, it is worth choosing those that are compostable or biodegradable, which means that they can be broken down naturally by microorganisms, e.g. through composting. In this way, you can reduce the negative impact on the environment and increase the chances of keeping our planet in good condition for future generations.

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